I'm Halina, a Professional and Certified Dog Trainer in South London and cover areas in South East London, Kent and Surrey within a 5 mile radius from Croydon. I graduated from the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training & Behaviour in 2017 and since then have helped many dogs and their guardians (dog owners / pet parents, etc) by offering Training & Behavioural Consultations, One-to-One Dog & Puppy Training and Solo Dog Walks.
Sharing your life with a dog is such an amazing gift, but can also be hard work; whether you have a new puppy, are a first-time dog owner, bring another dog into your home, or have a nervous or anxious dog, these and many other situations can bring with them different struggles, highs and lows and require a variety levels of help, support and understanding.
We like to 'label' things in life; labelling is far simpler than trying to find the cause of a problem, understand the reason for behaving in a certain way and is far easier than spending time looking for other ways of doing things. Dogs are often misunderstood and we 'label' them incorrectly too; they get labelled 'aggressive', when they're reacting through fear or are in pain; 'stubborn', when you didn't make it clear what you wanted; 'naughty' if they destroy items in the home, but they're bored or under stimulated; 'jealous' when trying to protect something valuable; 'shy' or 'anxious' when they're in pain or lack in confidence and don't want to say hello to every dog or person.
At Marley's Mutts we don't label your dog or promise to 'fix' your dog, dogs are not mechanical toys we can simply repair; dogs are sentient beings and should be treated like a member of your family. I have a holistic viewpoint and work with the dog in front of me, using as much information as possible to personalise the services provided to accommodate your dogs needs, your requirements and ensure that everything fits in with your lifestyle.
Dog training from an early age is not only essential to being a good and responsible dog guardian, but needs to be consistent. Training is not only vital to their growth and development; it helps them become a confident adolescent and robust adult dog and will strengthen your bond once you start working together as a team. No matter the age of your dog, the reasons they in your life, training is a step you afford to miss.
Not all dogs like kennels, doggy day care, dog boarding or are comfortable in a group dog walk, so all the services provided are on a one-to-one basis and are bespoke to yours and your animals needs. We offer, not only Solo Dog Walks, but Buddy Dog Walks (two dogs from the same household), Home Visits & a bespoke Pet Sitting Service, essentially covering all bases for an animal loving home. It would be great to hear from you and find out how we can help.
If you'd like to know more, book any of the services offered and bring some zen into your home life and calm the chaos, It would be great to arrange a time to chat, so please contact me to book an initial phone consultation, and we will go from there.

"Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of them all"