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Dogs with trainer



  • DOG TRAINING - I know how important it is to have the right support at home; the right dog trainer is so important, and it's imperative you do your research first. Yes we all love reviews, or talking to friends or family, but everyone has a different opinion and your situations are never the same. You'll find that everyone is an expert on how you should train your dogs, just smile politely, and give me a call. It can get more confusing before you've even started, and then you have to find someone that is the right fit. You need a trainer who is; experienced, skilled, personable, educated, a member of at least one organisation or association that ensures they keep up with their professional development, and ideally qualified. You also need someone who can guide and support you through the process, so that once the time has come to part ways, you have the skills and tools to manage things on your own.

  • DOG WALKING - To have a dog walker who you count on to show up each week to walk Alfie; no matter the weather; who is experienced, professional and reliable while you're either out, have a busy day, or working from home. This is someone who has the keys to your house, so be diligent.

  • PET SITTING - To have a professional pet sitter who you not only trust with your beloved animals, but in your home too. This is a big ask for someone to be responsible for the most valuable areas of your life. Get references, recommendations, meet them several times before you go away, please no just I appreciate these things happen and sometimes you are left with an emergency, but still do not go for the first person who can help you.

  • BOARDING / DAYCARE - I don't offer day care or boarding because of my own animals, but also because I prefer to be with your pets in their own environment. However, there are many amazing day care facilities and dog boarders out there; remember - they need to be insured, and above all must have a licence from the local authority.

  • GROOMING - If you take your dog to a groomers, again please do your research. There are so many fabulous groomers out there, but many are really restricted by time, so occasionally your dog doesn't get the appropriate care & attention needed. I see so many behavioural issues because puppies or dogs were sent to a groomers and had an awful experience; they're now scared of water, noises, hair dryers, having their nails trimmed etc. I know we associate it to going to the hair dressers or having a pamper day, but for your pets, it could be an experience from hell.

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