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These services involve an intimate understanding of your dog's needs and individual history. Your dog is super smart and has plenty of potential to learn new behaviours with support and encouragement to reduce unwanted ones.


These programs are designed with your lifestyle in mind, meaning no matter what your day is full of, finding the extra time to train your dog is not one of them. I combine your needs and wants with the natural attributes of your dog and my training methods will lay be the base layer for you to build upon.

Like the Dog and Puppy Training Programs, there will be a Training Report and Training Plan to work from, so you can see step by step what we will be working on each week; this may change in line with how your dog is progressing. The training sessions will be weekly, but I'd recommend at least two or three sessions per week to see any noticeable improvement.


These are suitable for dogs of any age and can start from 8 weeks of age; as always, the training program will be bespoke and will focus  need the most help and support will be prioritised.


You will still need to train with your dog in between the sessions for consistency, it's important so we don't pick up where we left off; this only need to be 5-10 minutes a day.


You'll get an update after each session and a Transfer Session at the end of the program, giving you the tools to progress with the training on your own, and the skills and confidence to do so.



​The program focuses on areas in the home that you need support with, this could be; puppy training, door manners, jumping up, alert barking, managing & preventing destructive behaviour, crate training and canine enrichment, for example.


Husbandry and Cooperative care are really important areas to cover, so practicing things at home like preparing for injections, having examinations, nail trimming, grooming, etc.

This is perfect if you do not have time to manage these issues on your own, or be part of the training & coaching sessions. I carry out the training on my own and once the program is complete, there will be a transfer session so you are more confident to deal with things on your own.

You will receive regular updates throughout the weeks so you are up to speed with how the training is progressing.

Dalmatian Dog


These focus on training needs out of the home and can cover issues like; pulling on the lead, lead reactivity, which can make dog walks impossible for either of you to enjoy. It's not unusual to revisit recall, as the 'reliable' part has probably gone to pot since reaching adolescence.


Husbandry is important so vet visits are recommended to be part of the program. Getting your dog used to a place they will only visit when needed, it's much better and less stressful that they are comfortable and happy in those surroundings. Getting used to the staff and being in the waiting room are all important factors to include.

Are car journeys a nightmare? Many dogs are not comfortable in the car, if not introduced to it slowly and may struggle, especially on longer journeys. 

Helping them cope during and after their fear periods is vital, leaves, wind, bin liners, the whole world becomes much scarier. These walks provide them with the right support at the right time.

PLEASE NOTE - Training Walks are a completely different service to Solo Dog Walks; this is a Walk & Train Service

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